System Configurations
Solar radiation is normally measured using a pyranometer
that sees the whole hemisphere above it and responds to
radiation from both sun and sky, the ‘global’ solar radiation.
However, it is often necessary to accurately measure the
‘direct’ radiation coming only from the sun.
A pyrheliometer has a 5 ° view, slightly larger than the sun
and its aureole, and does not see the rest of the sky. To
make measurements it must point precisely at the sun and
this is achieved using an automatic two-axis sun tracker. A
shading assembly blocks the direct solar radiation from
reaching a pyranometer mounted on the tracker so that the
‘diffuse’ solar radiation from the sky can be measured.
The sun tracker provides a stable mounting for the pyrheliometer
and moves horizontally (azimuth) and vertically (zenith) to
follow the solar arc. Stepping motors controlled by a micro-
processor drive through belts or gears to provide movement
with the desired torque and accuracy. An on-board programme
requires accurate longitude, latitude, altitude, date, and time
information for the measurement site. It then calculates the
current position of the sun and points the pyrheliometer and
shading assembly towards it.
Sun trackers are widely used in networks of solar monitoring
stations that measure direct, diffuse and global radiation,
for inputs to weather forecasting and climate models. Other
applications include atmospheric chemistry research,
pollution forecasting and materials testing.
With growing interest in renewable energy good quality
solar radiation data is becoming increasingly important,
particularly the direct component, with regard to photovoltaic
systems and thermal energy solar collectors. Activities
include research and development, production quality
control, determination of optimal power plant locations,
monitoring the efficiency of installed systems and predicting
the output under various sky conditions.
The Baseline Surface Radiation
Network (BSRN)
Solar, atmospheric and terrestrial radiation drive almost
every dynamic process on the Earth’s surface and above, from
ocean current circulation to weather, climate and life itself.
Small changes can have large and long-lasting effects that are
difficult to predict. Accurate data regarding the radiation at
the Earth’s surface is fundamental to under-standing its
climate system, global warming and global
BSRN comprises a global network of solar monitoring
using the best equipment and practices currently available
and is a key part of the World Climate Research Programme.
BSRN is linked to other international climate projects such
Kipp & Zonen sun trackers and radiometers are widely used
in all of the above programmes and we can supply complete
BSRN compatible solar monitoring systems.
Choice of Sun Tracker
2AP has been in production for many years and is used around
the world as the basis of top quality solar monitoring stations
for research and in networks, such as BSRN. The high power
and rugged design enables operation in extreme conditions,
from deserts to Antarctica.
However, not every customer needs these capabilities and for
some users 2AP is over-specified. Our SOLYS 2 provides BSRN
level performance and is easier to install and operate than
any other tracker on the market. It is very efficient and ideal
for operation using solar energy power sources.
Sun Tracker
Shading Ball Assembly
Pyranometer (shaded)
direct solar radiation
global solar radiation
diffuse solar radiation
Data Logger
Typical Solar Monitoring System
Sun Tracker sun sensor recommended
Shading Ball Assembly
with temperature sensor
Pyranometer, ventilated,
with temperature sensor
(shaded), ventilated,
with temperature sensor
direct solar radiation
global solar radiation
diffuse solar radiation
(shaded), ventilated
downwards infrared radiation
Basic BSRN Station
Data Logger