NRG Systems’ T60 Temperature Sensor builds on
the NRG 110S’s trusted design, offering improved
temperature accuracy and long-term reliability in
harsh environments. Ideally suited for remote wind
and solar energy studies, the data from this sensor can
be used to calculate energy density and atmospheric
stability conditions, monitor air temperature, identify
icing conditions in cold climates, and estimate PV panel
Key Benefits:
• Same physical design, body materials, and radiation
shield as 110S, ensuring seamless transition to T60
• Lower measurement uncertainty
• ILAC-compliant, NIST-traceable calibrations available
from an ISO 9001:2008, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 certified
• Can measure up to 70°C (5°C greater than the 110S)
• Suitable for the temperature measurement
requirements of remote wind and solar energy studies
Blue epoxy at base